Welcome to St Pius X Primary School. We are delighted that you have chosen to explore our warm, vibrant and supportive school community.
Established in 1964 by the Sisters of St Joseph, our school embraces the charism of St Mary of the Cross MacKillop and their rich traditions and charisms that continue to underpin our school life. Mary MacKillop's story and example provides the inspiration for our students to 'make a difference' in the world by actively living the Gospel values in their relationships and through outreach to others. Our school motto, “Christ in All" promotes the dignity of, and respect for each individual.
One of the many blessings of our school is a strong partnership between home and school, which has at its' core the children. The children are blessed to be part of a community where not only does the energy and enthusiasm, sense of purpose and commitment of the parents and staff ensure that the children reap the benefits of their combined efforts, but through their active involvement in the life of the school, the children come to appreciate and understand by example, the value of community.
Our Staff are a highly committed, professional group of educators who continually strive for best practice, innovation and creativity. We offer a high quality, Christ centred, inclusive curriculum to all our students, with a range of opportunities and experiences that foster the growth of the whole student. At St Pius X, every child is nurtured and empowered to be the very best they can be. We strive for excellence and we value and celebrate the uniqueness, diversity and gifts of each individual.
Thank you for taking the time to visit our website which offers you an insight into the heart and ethos of our school. I look forward to meeting with you, answering your questions and showing you through our beautiful school.
Yours sincerely,
Mrs Felicity Pryer | Principal | E. psalisbury@bne.catholic.edu.au | P. (07) 3274 1705

©BCE, St Pius X, PSL, 2024
